Dreams, Determination, and Disney Tunes: Our Family's Journey to Starting a Camp

As a mom of two young kids, we watch a lot of Disney movies and we play a lot of Disney music in our house.

In 2021 I decided to quit my steady camp job and pursuse my dream of opening my own Camp. I was also a few months pregnant with our second child. I knew I was making a very bold and terrifying decision. But I was determined to make my dream come true. (As I said we are a Disney House)

Over the decade and a half we have been together I have had many conversations with my husband about starting my own camp. I finally said to him, "If not now, then when? We're never going to do it; we'll always find an excuse. No more excuses. Who cares that I'm pregnant and about to bring a second child into our family? We're going to do this now." He’s always been supportive of my dream, and again he was on board.

My last day working at that steady “cushy” job was Friday, September 3rd, 2021. I started really digging into my business plan creation the next Monday, September 6th, 2021. No time like the present.

Now, about two and a half years later, I have two amazing children, the youngest of which just celebrated her second birthday last month. When I look at her, I also think of everything else that I have accomplished and come up against in just her short life.

How does this all connect back to Disney music?

You have to find motivation somewhere. Doing somthing big and doing it well is hard. Challenges and obstacles that make you question everything your trying to acheieve will come up all the time, sometimes it seems like they appear on a daily basis. Sometimes you think things are finally starting to go smoothly, only to hit another completely unforeseen obstacle.

Talk to your support system.

Starting a new business that is very seasonally has been very hard! I have a friend who quit his job around the same time who also started his own business building playscapes (Playscapes by Post – he's awesome!) and while it took a while to get going, his buiness has started to grow too, which is inspiring to hear about!

I talk with industry professionals, people that have had similar goals. I was talking to a fellow Camp Director last year about getting my camp started; he compared it to a rocket. The first few years are all about getting as much power into the rocket as possible to lift off, but when it finally gets to the right amount, it just takes off! Playscapes by Post is just about in the cruise phase. My buiness, Camp Rippling Brook, is still in the getting enough power to launch phase.

Watch a TV series

Ted Lasso and The Bear have been relatable motivators for me these past couple of years.

Get inspired by reading a book “The Power of Moments” by Chip and Dan Heath and “The New Gold Standard” by Joseph A. Michelli were two I read years ago that still resonate with me today.

Listen to music.

Find that motivation. It can be small. It can be silly. But you need to find something to keep you going.

For me it’s Disney music that keeps the dream alive.

Kate Dadourian

Kate is the founder of Camp Rippling Brook. She is an expert in the business of building a camp from an idea to reality. Kate has built her camp from an idea that people dismissed through the business planning, to land purchases and zoning, to kids arriving the first Day.

Prior to Rippling Brook Kate was a YMCA camp executive in Maryland.


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